The Psychology of Colour: How we are improving the way we use colour in our designs

The Tigerplay team were pleased to welcome Karen Haller to the barn last week to learn about the psychology of colour. Karen is a leading international authority in the field of applied colour psychology, specialising in business brand colour, interiors, healthcare and wellbeing. Having studied colour for over 20 years she understands how colour affects us, influences us and how businesses and designers can use it to influence behaviour.


We were particularly interested to learn about how different colours affect children’s behaviour in play spaces. As all our play areas are bespoke and designed from scratch, colour choice is an important part of the design process. Sometimes we are given a colour palette by a client to work from, other times we create a colour scheme based on the brief we’ve received.

Factors such as branding, theming and SEN requirements have always influenced our colour choices, but now we have a much greater understanding of how different colours encourage certain behaviours, we look forward to creating a much more considered colour schemes in our designs.

Karen’s first book, ‘My Little Book of Colour’ will be released next month and we can’t wait to get our copy!

Are you looking for a considered designer for a new play space? Contact our friendly team today.

Sarah Newton