Creating a mini village of play in Durham

We recently created this village of fun for Dragonflies family play centre in Durham. The centre now boasts a softplay tots area, a junior area with two slides, kart track and a mini village. The play centre has a 'great outdoors' theme and offers limitless play to little visitors of all ages.

The two tier junior play structure full of games, toys, soft obstacles and a mini climbing wall.

The two tier junior play structure full of games, toys, soft obstacles and a mini climbing wall.

A mini village featuring the 'Besco' shop and a cottage. 

A mini village featuring the 'Besco' shop and a cottage. 

These two chaps enhance the great outdoors theme!

These two chaps enhance the great outdoors theme!

The tots softplay area has different levels and textures for sensory play.

The tots softplay area has different levels and textures for sensory play.

The tots area for smaller guests offers safe and exciting play.

The tots area for smaller guests offers safe and exciting play.

The Dragonflies play centre design.

The Dragonflies play centre design.

Sarah Newtonsoftplay, Installations